
Medical Education
At Queen Elizabeth Hospital & UWI Cave Hill
Undergraduate medical training
In 2008, the Cave Hill Campus upgraded and expanded its 40 year old clinical programme in the School of Clinical Medicine and Research to full faculty status incorporating a 3-year Phase 1 programme.

Post Graduate medical training
Over the years, postgraduate programmes in a wide range of medical specialties have also been developed at all campuses. The Cave Hill Campus has strong programmes in clinical specialties, leading to the DM in hospital based specialties as well as the Diploma, Masters and DM in Family Medicine. The Masters in Public Health was initiated in 2008, and most recently, a PhD in Public Health.
The DM Programmes offered include:
- Accident and Emergency Medicine
- Anaesthesics and Intensive Care
- Family Medicine
- Internal Medicine
- Paediatrics
- General Surgery
- Ophthalmology
- Obstetrics & Gynecology
- Psychiatry
The postgraduate programs are mostly 4 years duration (General Surgery lasts 5 years) at the end of which the candidate obtains a Doctor of Medicine (DM) degree. The family medicine program also offer 3 year Master of Science (MSc.) degree. Additionally there is a distance diploma offered in Family Medicine and plans to introduce one in Emergency Medicine in the near future.
For further information contact the Faculty of Medical Sciences at
Cave Hill (Pre-Clinical) Telephone: (246)-417-4694 or (246) 417-4703 or email [email protected]
Queen Elizabeth Hospital (Clinical) Telephone: (246)429-5112, (246)437-8335 or (246)436-6450 ext 6229/6339 or email [email protected]
Continuing Medical Education (CME)
Two CME conferences are held usually in May and November every year in a collaboration between BAMP and UWI’s SCMR. A number of local and international medical professionals present papers on various interesting topics. Family physicians can gain CME credits at these conferences. See our Events Calendar for this year’s CME details.
Now you can view presentations made at BAMP/UWI Continuing Medical Education conferences online!!!
You can download these presentations for free for a 30 day trial. After this you must be a paid a BAMP member and must sign in . If you are not yet a member, signup now
BLS (Basic Life Support) and ACLS (Advanced Cardiac Life Support)
These courses can be done at the Heart and Stroke foundation of Barbados . Please see our link here on more information about the function of the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Barbados on our NGO page.
Caribbean HIV/AIDS Regional Training Network
The CHART Network leads the way in training excellence with the aim of reducing the burden and impact of HIV, AIDS and related conditions in every Caribbean country and territory.
Contact University of the West Indies (UWI) Mona campus for more details. They offer the full 5 year undergraduate medical course and a few more postgraduate courses than the SCMR.
Postgraduate training in the USA requires completion of USMLE examinations which makes the physician eligible to be licensed for medical practice in the States. Refer to Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG) for more information.
Similar to the USA, Caribbean-trained doctors are required to sit qualifying MCC examinations to be licensed for practice/specialty training in Canada. Contact the Medical Council of Canada’s website here.
Again examinations called the PLAB test are to be sat in order for International Medical Graduates (IMGs) to demonstrate that they have the necessary skills and knowledge to practise medicine in the UK.
NB The Department of Health(UK) announced on 7 March 2006 that from 3 April 2006 International Medical Graduates (IMGs) – who are not UK or EEA nationals – wishing to work or train in the UK will need a work permit.
Employment prospects are now very diificult and you should consider this seriously before setting out to the UK!
See General Medical Council of UK for details.